- The GoDateNow sign-up process is quick and easy.
- The website’s design is modern and eye-pleasing.
- Many active female members.
- You can get 20 bonus credits if you set up your profile and upload photos.
- Many of the profiles of female members are fake. Some girls even claim they didn’t know someone using their photos. This is definitely the main drawback of GoDateNow.com.
- The prices on GDN are rather high.
- The official app is available only for Android users.
- Customer support service doesn’t give prompt replies.
- The site owners use the dirtiest marketing strategy we have ever seen – speculating on the war in Ukraine.
GoDateNow.com: can you indeed meet your dream there?
There are a lot of international dating websites on the Internet nowadays. However, the key figure of our article – GoDateNow.com – differs from most of the competitors. The name of it alone seems to be a momentary call for action. That also gives the feeling that you can finally meet your future wife through this platform. But is it really possible? Is the GDN actually a trustworthy website for searching for a partner outside your homeland? To be perfectly honest, the impressions its former users share on the World Wide Web are very controversial. Some of them are based on the fact that GoDateNow is ruled by the same managers as RomanceCompass. RC is, for sure, a notable player on the market, with its benefits and drawbacks. By the way, we have already written a review in its regard. Anyway, today, our attention belongs solely to GoDateNow. We want to test it and determine whether joining this platform could be a good idea. By the way, it’s better to say this in advance – we are going to make comparisons with other providers, such as Victoria dating websites. So, let’s get down to business, shall we?
First impression
Let’s do what every potential user of this platform does. We mean, insert www.godatenow.com in the search bar of the Internet browser. If you do the same thing, what do you see? In our opinion, the first eye-catching thing you see is the website’s design. It is, in fact, made in nice light colors. Compared to what RC demonstrates, the GDT interface is much more modern and pleasant to look at. Hope this reassuring tendency won’t end here… If you scroll down the homepage of the site, you can see the random profiles of its female and male users. The avatar pictures of the ladies are all high-quality and indeed encouraging to get to know some of them better. Even before becoming a member, you can click on the photo of your favorite girl and take a closer look at her profile information. Although, the videos and images posted there can’t be viewed without registration. Just below this section – are placed the articles available for all members of the GoDateNow for free. If you read our other reviews from time to time, you know that we generally support the providers that have blogs. Experience has shown that such texts help singles from different countries understand each other better. However, obviously, there have been no new writings for a while already. And, not all subjects of the articles are useful (in the context of international dating). For example, how can the rating of the hottest female wrestlers or Black Friday around the globe help? The four main advantages of using GoDateNow are placed on the homepage either. Among them is – 100% verification of the profile information of women. However, before you get too excited, that’s the pretty standard promise of international matchmakers. The real state of things will be highlighted in our review later. All joking aside, we don’t like extremely long texts on the websites’ homepages. First and foremost – no one really reads them (sorry, guys). At the same time, it’s very irritating to scroll all admiring speeches to see what else GDN’s start page has. We were patient enough to do this and saw the customers’ reviews.
As expected, they all are good. But, once again, experience says these remarks aren’t always genuine… Right on the bottom of the front page, you can find the short statement of the site owners. They say it’s not just a dating site – it’s a social network. Thus, let us create the profile and see what these guys can, in fact, offer.
31, ⚐ Zaporizhia, Ukraine
27, ⚐ Moscow, Russia
31, ⚐ Dnipro, Ukraine
24, ⚐ Kyiv, Ukraine
GoDateNow women: where are they from?
While writing this review on the GoDateNow dating site, we came across information posted by other experts. There, many times it was stated that this platform has only female members from Ukraine in the catalog. However, it’s definitely not true. On GDT are presented single girls from various Slavic countries. For example, Belarus, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, etc. Just like ex-USSR land, like Moldova. Still, without a doubt, Ukrainian ladies are in the absolute majority.
How do you sign up?
Those who want to sign up to GoDateNow, shouldn’t guess where to click. As soon as you open the site’s homepage, the registration form appears to be right on the right side of the screen. Firstly, it must be said that you can log in with your Facebook and Google accounts. In this case, the steps which will be mentioned a little later might be easily skipped. But don’t worry if you don’t have either of these accounts since registration won’t take much time. You will only need to enter your name and goal of joining GDN. From the options available, we can assume that the platform is LGBT-friendly. Then, think up a strong password, insert your email address – and that’s all. Confirm that you are 18 years old and older to be able to proceed, hitting the Create Account button. And – ready, you have successfully joined GoDateNow.
How do you set up your profile?
When the GoDateNow login page is finally left behind – you can start editing your user profile. This will be beneficial not only because you might receive more attention from the ladies but also for the reason that you may get 20 free credits! Okay then, let’s start. To begin setting up your profile – you need to click on the corresponding button – right near your name. What can you start with? The uploading of photos is the initial task, of course. It might be up to 5 pictures. Without at least one, the promised credits amount won’t be added. The Account Information section is already filled out.
The next stage includes your personal information and habits. It’s your date of birth, country and city you live in, and time zone. Attitude toward drinking and smoking should be reflected there too.
The Marriage and Children fields require corresponding answers. Then, you will be asked to share the details about your religion, character, hobbies, and the partner you are looking for. The info about your level of education and current occupation could be placed there either.
The last question you need to answer while setting up your profile is pretty unusual. We haven’t seen something like this on VictoriaBride or any other website. Anyway, you are asked to pick your favorite game among four options. These are poker, monopoly, sea battle, and tic-tac-toe. Or there could be something of your choice.
Then you can hit the Save Profile button.
Main features
In this part of our GoDateNow review, we like to focus on the website’s features available for its members. As you can see, the elements placed on the top of the user page are almost the same as the sidebar on the right side of the screen. The communication ways will be discussed a bit later. Just like the search opportunities, by the way. At this point, our goal is to determine what kind of additional services GDN has. Let’s start with My Likes. There – is placed the list of the ladies who liked your profile and vice versa.
If you find the girl from the list attractive, you can press the Show your interest button and choose from the message templates she will get. From Let’s be friends to I love you – everyone can find something to his taste. The service is free to use, by the way. In the My Favorites folder – could be placed the profiles of the GDN women you like most of all. The VideoClips section redirects you to the videos female members post. However, don’t expect this service to be provided charge-free. Virtual gifts, just like real-life ones, could be sent to your favorites. The price depends on what exactly you choose. To be able to buy the lady’s contact information, you must exchange 15 letters or spend 180 minutes chatting as a minimum. One can say the topic we are going to say a few words about now is not relevant to the subject. Still, since this banner is displayed right on the user page, we can’t ignore it. We write this review during a genuinely horrible time for all Ukrainian people. The war in their country can leave nobody indifferent. So, in our opinion, it’s simply disgusting that the GoDateNow marketing team uses this dreadful occasion in the lives of representatives of this proud nation to earn more money. The motto, “Chat with Ukrainian girls and keep them optimistic,” with the blue-yellow flag on the background – is one of the most despicable ads we have ever seen. Shame on you, dating platform GoDateNow!
How do you search and sort the ladies?
The way search on GoDateNow works is similar to Victoria Dating websites. The only difference is that they do not separate the basic and advanced versions. As you can see, there are plenty of criteria you can set to find the profiles of the girls who match your desires best. To be more concrete, these are the factors of age, height, and weight above all. Hair and eye color, ethnicity, religion, and education are presented there too. Attitude towards drinking or smoking, marital status, and presence of children could be specified if you like. And, of course, the country your potential partner ought to live in. To get the results, you need to press the Show matches button.
If you know which member of GoDateNow you want to chat with – there also is an opportunity for you. You can use the Show matches by ID search.
How do you communicate?
The representatives of online dating (Victoria, CharmDate, AmoLatina, UADates, etc.), as a rule, have similar communication opportunities. GoDateNow is no exception since the site owners couldn’t create something qualitatively new. Anyway, we’ll tell you everything you need to know in this regard. The first one – is letters (the My Letters folder). Be careful – not only mails from ladies will appear there. Everything the platform’s admin sends you will arise there either (in the corresponding folder). The good news about this service is that you can read introductory letters from the GDN women for free. Not the pictures they attach, though… One more communication opportunity is – chat. There are two possibilities you have in this respect. Above all, you can schedule the date and time you will talk with a particular lady.
It’s a great option if you are a busy person, so you wouldn’t have to waste your time waiting till the moment your conversationalist on GoDateNow to log in. Also, there is a usual chat available.
If you want to use it – you need to choose a girl who is currently online and invite her to talk. However, don’t forget – it’s impossible to chat for free.
Does GoDateNow have a mobile app?
Each dating site review we write has a section about the mobile app. We think it’s one of the most important factors. Because our lives in this day and age are connected with smartphones. Unfortunately, all benefits of the GDN app – can be enjoyed only by owners of Android-operated devices. If you have an iOS cell phone – the only opportunity that remains for you is the usage of the desktop version of the site.
What does a free membership offer?
Plenty of GoDateNow reviews have already highlighted this topic. We, on our part, can merely confirm their words. You really can’t do much without becoming a paid member. What exactly, then? For sure, you can sign up without paying a penny. After that, you can set up your user profile for free too. And even get 20 bonus credits for it if you do everything right. You can search and read the profile information of GDN women – but not their photos. You won’t be charged for reading letters the ladies send. Also, when you have paid for the text chat, you can watch your conversationalist and turn on your camera for free. And, that’s all…
What does a paid membership offer?
You already know that using this dating platform is impossible without investing money in communication with the ladies. So what are the prices on GoDateNow? Could they be called reasonable? Okay, first things first. The services of GDN are priced in credits – the virtual site’s currency. Thereby, you will need to buy them. Once again, we want to voice our unanimous disapproval and condemnation of speculation on the subject of war in Ukraine. Such subjects can definitely not be used as stimulation of purchases. Anyway, let’s get back to the topic of prices. The approach of GDN doesn’t differ from the general tendency on the market. The larger package you buy – the cheaper cost of each credit becomes. Still, the fact – that you purchase these virtual units doesn’t mean you can have limitless communication. All services that GoDateNow provides have their price. For instance, sending a letter to a girl costs 10 credits. While one minute of text chat – 2 credits. If you want to watch a video presentation of your favorite woman, then you will be charged 20 credits. The contact information request has a 25 credits fee. The message is, therefore, clear. You better decide on buying the larger packages (at least initially).
Customer support
If you have a question or complaint – it’s natural to try to contact the site administration. To do this, you need to click the big green button named Live Support on the right side of the screen. As stated there, you can either fill in the ticket form or readdress your request directly to the official email address of GDN (support@godatenow.com). This approach is also pretty standard: such sites as Victorian Brides or Elena’s Models act the same way. We tested contacting the platform’s admin through the ticket form. To do this, don’t forget to insert the confirmation code. Otherwise, your request won’t be accepted. However, a quick response shouldn’t be expected. We have already been waiting for more than 72 hours.
Security and safety
Let’s imagine the GoDateNow login page is left behind. What do you see there? Is it anyhow safe? At first, everything seems to be legitimate and decent. We talk about the valid SSL certificate and similar matters. But, unfortunately, that’s the initial impression… The official position of GDN staff includes verification and identity check of female members. But if you read the impression former users share – it doesn’t seem to be the truth. While reading the reviews of the customers, we couldn’t help feeling – the majority of them suffer from the same issues. For instance, they say the female members either don’t want to communicate outside the website or don’t know they are registered on GoDateNow! We, regrettably, were able to verify these statements. Due to the Data Protection Act in the country we operate – we can’t publish private correspondence with the ladies. Understand us right – we are reviewers, not law-breakers. Although, you can see what we are talking about without paying a penny. All you need to do is – create a profile on GDN. Then, wait just a few hours to get dozens of letters from the girls. In our case, it was 395 mails in 24 hours, by the way. Pick a few of them you like most – it’s free, even if you want to open each one. After that, you need to download a picture from the user page of the girl who sent you the letter and do an image search on the Internet. With a high probability, you will find her social network account. Don’t be shy – write this woman a private message and insert the text of the mail she has sent you. Our experience demonstrates, in three out of the five cases – she has absolutely no idea of what you talk about. We guess more explanations why we don’t trust the GoDateNow dating service after writing this review aren’t needed…
GoDateNow dating site FAQ
Is Go Date Now free to use?
As we have already mentioned – GDN is not free to use. We mean, if you want to have some more opportunities except for reading the profile information of the ladies. All communication tools, such as mailing and chat, require buying credits.
How to create a profile on GoDateNow?
The full instructions you can find in your review. Still, we are going to repeat the most basic information in this regard one more time. To create a profile on GoDateNow, you can either sign up with your Facebook/Google account or go through the registration process. The second option won’t be really inconvenient – you will need to provide only your name and dating goals.
How do GoDateNow credits work?
Members on GoDateNow.com can’t use their real-life dollars, euros, or even Japanese yen to communicate on the site. To do this, you will need to buy the virtual currency of this platform. It’s nothing exceptional – many international dating websites work under this principle. As mentioned in our article, the more credits you buy at a time – the better price of each you get.
How can I delete my GoDateNow profile?
We need to say it – you can’t just delete your GDN account with one click. Only site administration is able to deactivate your user page. There is no other way but to contact these guys directly and ask them to do this for you.
How many members does GoDateNow have?
It’s strange, but the dating site GoDateNow does not disclose this information. At the same time, you can’t see the exact number of how many girls are online at the moment. According to our estimates, the average amount of female members chatting in real-time is about 250. That’s all we can say in this respect…
Can I use GoDateNow anonymously?
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, using GoDateNow anonymously is possible. You can simply say you are not Tom but Timothy and don’t upload your pictures into the profile. But does it really make sense? We are not sure… How could a woman trust you if, after a while of communication, you suddenly mention – that your real name is different?
Is GDN messaging free?
No, it’s not. We have already mentioned that communication on GoDateNow requires your money. However, you can open the letters from the ladies for free – only replying costs credits. Also, charges are provided solely for text chat – turning on your or your conversationalist’s camera is absolutely free.
How long does it take to have my profile approved?
When you create your GoDateNow account, you are asked to provide your email address. Make sure it’s valid since it must be verified. In contrast to replies from customer support service, you won’t have to wait for a confirmation email long. In our case, this took something like 2 minutes. If you follow the link from the letter, your profile automatically becomes approved.
Is GoDateNow safe?
Notwithstanding they have a valid SSL certificate, the truth about GoDateNow is not nice. The numerous reports from the customers confirm you and your personal data are not safe there.
How can I know that the GDN profiles are real?
If you have read our article attentively, you already understand the answer. No, you can’t know that the profiles of women on this site are real because, in many cases, they are not. If you read the GoDateNow scam reports – you confirm our words.
What can I do to keep my GoDateNow account safe?
The rules in this regard are standard, no matter which website you use. For example, don’t share too much personal information about yourself even if your conversationalist seems trustworthy. Also, don’t send money to the female members of GoDateNow! If something or someone seems suspicious to you – stop the communication with the person right away. P.S. It’s advisable to read the Community Rules before all further action.